Saturday, February 25, 2012

Report History in SQL Reporting Service


I am using SQL Server 2005 Reporting service. I am working on a report. I have made several subscriptions for it. Report runs according to subscription. SQL Server Reporting service also offers functionality to save report histories. Now how can I configure it so that whenever report runs according to its subscription, a history should be automatically saved?

If in case it is not possible by some automatic process then is there any way to set multiple schedules for history of the single report like multiple subscriptions can be set for single report.

Waiting for your response. Thanks in advance.


Under the History Properties of the report, you need to select the option to:
Store all report execution snapshots in history.

There are also other options to indicate how many snapshots you want to keep, as well as creating snapshots on a regular schedule.|||Thanx, J Quick

Yes there is an option in Hisotry properties "Store all report execution snapshots in history". But let me clear how it works.

On the Execution property page there are two option.
1. "Render this report with the most recent data"
This option means that whenever the report will be executed, it will get fresh data from database by making query on it.
2. "Render this report from an execution snapshot"
This option means that an execution snapshot of report will be saved either once when the Apply button is pressed or it will keep on updating depending upon schedule. But at one time there will be only one execution snapsho. And whenever the report will be executed, it will be rendered from that execution snapshot and not from the fresh data of database.

Now i come to History property mentioned above to "Store all report execution snapshots in history". It will work only when the execution property of report is set to "Render this report from an execution snapshot". And if execution snapshot is scheduled to be updated then each time the execution snapshot will update it will also be saved in history as history snapshot. So for this history property to work, we have to sacrifice the updated and fresh data. But in my case, i have to get fresh data every time and also i want to save the history of that executed report. Try to think on this line.

Anyhow i appreciate your effort. Thanx again.


>> "It will work only when the execution property of report is set to "Render this report from an execution snapshot".

I don't think the statement above is correct, but I could be wrong since it has been some time since I tried it.

As I recall, the options to "Render this report with the most recent data" and "Store all report execution snapshots in history" are on different property pages and aren't mutually exclusive.

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