Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Report generation is consuming 100% of CPU client side.


I have a problem while rendering a report which returns around 5000 rows. At first the server is busy to process the request, when the server is done the rendering client side takes 100% of CPU and never displays the result ("IE is not responding"). It seems that the ReportViewer has trouble to handle the server response.

Do you have any idea why ?


It appeared that the problem is a paging issue. The report contains groups and by default the top level is collapsed, when we try to expand a level that contains many rows thoses rows are all displayed on a single page. That's why IE is consuming 100% of the CPU to display all the rows.

How can I change that the paging is working for the sub groups displayed ?


I found the answer in BOL:

"The HTML and Excel rendering extensions are not oriented to physical pages. Furthermore, the HTML rendering extension is interactive, meaning that user actions in a report can trigger additional processing that causes a report to expand horizontally or vertically to accommodate additional content. You cannot precisely control how reports viewed through these rendering extensions will paginate if the report contains interactive features."

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