We have developed few reports displaying data using chart layout. In the Data tab, we have specified MDX query that will return top 10 records.
But now, instead of restricting to just top 10 records, we would like to display all records and go in for pagination.
Is there some setting in the chart properties, where in I can display the first n records in first page, and the next n records( if available) in the next page and so on?
Can I specify the value of n somewhere in the propeties?
I read through many posts regarding pagination but those couldn't help me much.
Please help me in solving this problem.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
No response yet!:(|||One approach is the following:
Step 1: Add a table to the report
Step 2: Group by a number of rows
Right-click on the table and select Properties. Add a table group (with a group header, but no group footer)
Enter this for the group expression: =Ceiling(RowNumber(Nothing)/10)
This will cause the table to group on every ten rows. So you'll get a separate table group for every ten rows.
Step 3: Add a chart in the table group header
Design your chart.
Note: this approach is similar to the table inline charts approach discussed in the following whitepaper: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa964128.aspx
-- Robert
|||Thanks a lot Robert!
I got the idea from the solution provided by you and did the following:
Step 1: Add a list to the report
Step 2: Added group expression for the list to group the data
Grouping =Ceiling(RowNumber(Nothing)/10)
Set the following properties for list:
KeepTogether: False
PageBreakAtEnd: True
Step 3: Added chart to the list
Set the property, PageBreakAtEnd: True for the chart.
The above steps solved my problem of report pagination for charts.
Thanks once again!
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