Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Report Manager/Viewer Help!!

The parameters box in the report view displays in tabular format if you have
at least two parameters. Can I change this in anyway so it displays in
columan format.
Current display
1. parameter box 2. parameter box
3. parameter box 4. parameter box
Can I change it to display like:
1. parameter box
2. parameter box
3. parameter box
4. parameter boxThe answer is no you can't! Sorry.
You could generate you're parameter asp page and run the report with
url access from a button on the asp page. That way you can be much more
fancy with the parameters.
OriginalStealth wrote:
> The parameters box in the report view displays in tabular format if
> you have at least two parameters. Can I change this in anyway so it
> displays in columan format.
> Current display
> 1. parameter box 2. parameter box
> 3. parameter box 4. parameter box
> Can I change it to display like:
> 1. parameter box
> 2. parameter box
> 3. parameter box
> 4. parameter box

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