I am trying to configure the Report Manager Virtual Directory but cannot do it. In the Configure Report Server screen, the option is greyed out (there is a tick next to it to say that it has been configured, but this is greyed out too)!
Any ideas?
Service started ?
Jens K. Suessmeyer
|||I think so - although this is the first time I have ever used it. - I was following a video tutorial and did everything that was said on the video!|||Use Reporting Services Configuration (SS 2005). This will tell you if the service is properly initialized. This is where you should manage the Virtual Directory and setup the SS2K5 RS database.
What video tutorial are you using?
|||Look in the services. Is there a service with the name "Report%" (wehere the % is for any characters following). Is the Service started ? If yes, whats the Service name ?
Jens K. Suessmeyer.
I am expereincing this same issue, with an install of SQL 2005 Workgroup Edition. I have looked and I do not have a service called "Report%".
|||SQL Server Reporting Services is an optional service that can be installed with any version of SQL Server--even the Express Edition. It, like any service must be running to be functional. This means you must use one of the SQL Server configuration tools or services.msc to start the service (once it's installed). These tools can configure the service to start when the system starts or on demand (by a program like SC).
SC Start reportserver$ss2k5
This command-line function starts the reportserver service for the SQL Server instance SS2K5.
thanks for all the responces.
Ok, i'll try and answer all the questions so far:
1) Looking in "SQL Server 2005 Services" there does appear to be a reporting service running, but it is not called "Report%" it is called "SQLEXPRESS". This Service Type is named "ReportServer"
2) Looking in the "Reporting Services Configuration Manager", it does state that the report server is running
Instance Name: SQL EXPRESS
Initialized: Yes
Service Status: running
3) On the left hand side all of the Options have been configured. Most of them are green and you can click on the ones that are. however, "Report Manager Virtual Directory" and "Initialization" are greyed out and you cannot click on them to set up the directory (although they both have ticks against them, in grey)
Okay, I created a VPC (XP) and installed SQL Server Express Advanced Services edition to simulate what you (apparently have). This installed SQL Server Express as the SQLExpress instance and the Reporting Services service on that instance. Using the Reporting Services Configuration Manager I found that the initial Report Server and Report Manager virtual directories had not been created but the dialog to create them was not grayed out. If I clicked "new" it permitted me to create a "ReportServer" and "Reports" virtual directories.
Question: do you have IIS installed on the target system? Is the service running? To see, use the Adminstrative Tools | Internet Information Services utility to drill down to the default web site to see if it's running. If not, you'll need to install IIS (Control Panel | Add Windows Applications.
thanks for the reply.
I decided to uninstall the SQL instance and re-install. Hey presto - it now works!! I must have installed it incorrectly as I can now create everything I need to.
Thanks for everyones help though!
I am having that same problem.
Did you just uninstall SQL server or the reporting services also?
It's frustrating!
|||I uninstalled everything to do with SQL and started again!|||Thank you, I will try it.
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