Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Report Jump in Page Header

I tried to add a report jump to a page header - visual studio mentions that this is not supported by all renders, but I did not find any information which renderers support this. It seems the default html renderer does not support it, because i receive the following error
"The path of the item "(null)" is not valid. The path must be less than 260 characters long and must start with slash. Other restrictions apply. (rsInvalidItemPath)"
while I only specify the report name.

Is there a way to add a report jump to the page header ? with parameters ?
I have an startpage with links to each report - and in the header of the reports a want to support a back to the table of content link. Is there a othere way so switch back to the origninal report (after some parameter switches) ?


As indicated by the publishing warning message in report designer preview, drillthrough actions are currently not supported in page headers/footers in RS 2005.

The closest you can get for the page header/footer is to use a hyperlink action and build a url that points back to the report server and uses URL access to run a report with certain parameter settings. The Globals collection in the report object model exposes properties such as ReportServerUrl that you will need to build the URL - see also:

-- Robert

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