Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Report is rssuccess but browser continues until time out (no document returned)

Basically, we're having a problem on our production servers, that is
that a report is running for 2h (this is expected, large data set) and
IE6 is setup up for a 4h timeout (via a registry entry). The browser
will display the spinning report generation icon for the entire 4h
before timing out. However, the server log is reporting that the report
had succeeded (rssuccess), 1.5 hours BEFORE the browser fails.
Servers/Services are Win2003, Reporting Services SP2, SQL Server 2000
The machines sit behind a load balancer, which might be important (HTTP
requests etc.).
We're stumped :-(
Any ideas?
RolandoWhat happens after the browser fails? What indication points out that
the browser fails?
It gives you a "This application needs to be closed" error?
Is there a different error? It just freezes?|||Sorcerdon,
When the browsers times out at its designated timeout value (4 hours),
we get the standard IE6 "Page cannot be displayed" page.
Do you have some idea of what might be going on?
Thanks|||Try running it and turn off "Show friendly HTTP messeges" in the
browser options.
Go to Options --> ADvanced tab --> Its under Browsing.
This will provide you with a more detailed error messege.
BTW, where is this error show up? in the actual report window? or it
redirects to the error page?
Stas K.

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